The blue shuttle is laminated over maple wood and the one below is done in Blood wood. I have now used the blue one and I just love the color and the feel of the shuttle. This was his last one like this.
This is made from Blood Wood.
This one is made out of Elks Antlers. I wish the font was a little smaller.
This is made from Orange Wood. Have now used this one and also like it.
These are the two shuttles that I found hidden and Randy said that he hasn't made a shuttle with a point in about five years. I must really start getting my stuff organized
I purchased these at the Lace Convention 2008 down in Rockford, IL. I have never used this type of shuttle, but was told that they are good when working with beads.
The shuttle below was special made for my lace group which is called the 'Lighthouse lancer's'. No one else will be able to get one of these with the same design on it.
Now I had a real problem when ordering these. First I ordered one, then I went back to order another and I couldn't decide which one, so I ordered two and then I saw another one forgetting how many I already had. They were just so beautiful to look at and I heard that when the thread goes through you can here a hint of a musical sound or chime like noise. I have not used them yet, but have just heard yesterday from someone else who purchased one that she like using it. I will just have to give it a try myself.
This is both the front and back of this shuttle. I have now used it and another one similar to this one on my latest motif where I used two shuttles.